Sunday, May 22, 2011

Best. Week. Ever.

One time I couldn't figure out how to work blogger and make this NOT underlined. Another time I decided that I was going to tell about my week in pictures. Here you are! As follows:

some of my BEST friends got married. TO EACH OTHER!
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hafen

Mr. and Mrs. Justin Gish
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Gish

I spent A LOT of time with this adorable lady!

And we saw this beautiful piece of work.
(Mr. Banksy, you. are. great.)

We saw the Temple of Salt Lake.

Yes, there was a cat in the bookstore.
And yes, the cat's name is Dolly.
And yes, that bookstore was her's.

There was some "Kick-Ass Creativity" on our trip!

And some German hymnals.

There was a red wall. With art inside it.

There was a shoe tree.
Want a shoe? or one hundred?

A GIANT paper airplane.
Where did we get the paper?
Atop a fancy restaurant's table cloth!

We climbed. So much! It was soo great!

Temple with the Grandma and Mama.
In Vegas.
Soo pretty!

A little nephew. That flirts with you. He's cute.

And a movie with this guy! This outing was also soo great!

All in all, very successful week. Very good, satisfying, and absolutely lovely.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011

No. More. School! and Pheonix.

Yesterday I finished my last final. Victory! This day seemed like it would never come.
It felt kind of weird to "sleep in" today (meaning I woke up at 8:30a.m. instead of 6:00a.m.). I didn't have any pressing homework hanging over my head, I didn't have to be somewhere by a specific time (except work, which is later today), and I didn't have anything stressful that I was procrastinating (which kinda goes along with the pressing homework thing).
I've always been going to school. And I love school, and since I will be a teacher I will be in school for the rest of my life. But the last summer I had off was the summer after I graduated high school. So this is soo good!

Also. I have had this song strumming around my head for weeks. All I have to say is, if you're going to have a song in your head for that long - it might as well be by Pheonix.